Monday, April 11, 2011

Back to the coalface...

So I've decided to go back to work. *sad face* At this stage just two days a week (Tues & Thurs) but it will be very hard to leave Oliver. He is going into a childcare centre, so hopefully all goes well. They are happy to take cloth nappies, and seem to have a really good approach to kids and free play. Not sure how the food thing is going to go, I have a settling visit with Oliver tomorrow so hopefully we can discuss it then. They have an in house chef and you aren't allowed to bring any food in. I presume to avoid allergy/sharing issues. I don't think they are very knowledgable about baby led intro to solids, and the food they prepare probably isn't with baby led in mind. Apparently they puree the lunch for the smaller kids. I've had a few suggestions as to how to approach it. Let them puree feed him for two days a week, its only two meals (not keen on this one). No food at all, just milk,on childcare days (can't see this one working as he is starting to actually eat now!). Tell them to give him the same as an older kid (he'll be eight months) and don't worry if he doesn't eat anything. I know there is a bunch of baby led stalkers out there.. do you have any suggestions?

And now my time to blog has run out, I'm trying to limit my computer time in an effort to get the other million things I need to do done! Time for Ollie pics

Ollie really loves his daddy, and David gets lots of smiles at dinnertime

this picture really cracks me up. Ollie does this alot at the dinner table. And.. if you look REALLY closely you might be able to see our new bottom teeth! Woo!

lamb kofta ... YUM

my beautiful happy boy

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Water Baby

Ollie went for his second swim today! We are thinking about enroling him in water baby swim classes... but it seems quite silly to take a seven month old baby to swimming lessons! Most of my ante-natal coffee group have gone and really enjoyed it (Ollie was too young to join in with their groups). Another friend said babies that do these classes end up like fish in the water. I was a great swimmer as a kid (we did have a swimming pool which definitely helped). Not such a great swimmer now, I tend to react to the chlorinated water in the public pools. I'd like to get back into it though... (got to fit into my togs first!) Perhaps I should sign up for some kind of aqua jogging... good weightloss apparently!

Anyway, on with the photos

Even a chance for a go on the swings at the end!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

serious standy-uppy hair

 Once upon a time there was a little girl that had serious standy-uppy hair. Her mum tried everything to keep it down, to stop the people in the street staring. But the hair, it had a mind of its own. Eventually the little girl grew up and the hair grew so long it was too heavy to stand up. Then the girl had a baby (a boy!) and they all hoped that he wouldn't be afflicted with the same curse....

 Is this the start....?

 For reference.. here is the delightful photo from which my hair example is cropped. Once you've stopped admiring my funky outfit, make sure to check out the awesome 70s deck loungers!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Three weeks into blis...

Chickpea patties were on the menu this week. I was starting to think Ollie had an aversion to pattie shaped foods as he was just ignoring them (including chickpea patties last time we had them) but last night he really got into them! It would appear a fair bit was consumed!

We are now three weeks into our baby led introduction to solids journey! I've been amazed nearly every day about how far Ollie has come! He actually eats now! Chews and swallows! Though sometimes his nappies show that he could chew a little more....  but we are definitely seeing evidence of food consumption!

I do still need to occasionally remind myself that it is not about the volume of food consumed, but about the experience! I am so glad that we chose the babyled route (thanks darling cousin for encouraging us in the first place!) and it is most definitely the right way for us. We are opening Ollie up to a range of tastes and textures, and I try hard to avoid passing on my food aversions! (Liver pate. Looks/smells like catfood. Ew! Ollie LOVES it!)

Ollie is so excited to get into his highchair, and waits expectantly for food to appear on his tray! No turned face, or pursed lips when a spoon approaches, just fun every day!

I purchased the baby led weaning recipe book, and so glad I did. They have some great recipes, and a good summary of how to begin baby led weaning and what food is appropriate. It was pretty daunting when we first started, and I stuck to true "finger" foods (in finger shape!). Now, we are a bit more adventurous with steak, patties, and casseroles.

Even the rats are loving our babyled adventure - they get the leftovers! Even our lovely old flat-footed man rats come running to the cage door, when Ollie and I appear with "lunch".

The other upside is I'm definitely thinking more about what David and I eat, because if Ollie can't have it - we probably shouldn't either! Let's hope we become healthier family because of it! (especially after David's recent scare.. more on that later!) I am also loving the sitting down to eat dinner as a family. I'm sure it is good for David and I - I actually get a chance to ask "How was your day, dear?". Eating earlier is proving to be a bonus too.

I've definitely appreciated the resources and support from the university study, really good guidelines to get me going. For example, include an "easy" food, an iron-rich food, and an energy-rich food with every meal.

For those wanting to know more, I keep a record of each days food and a few comments (depending on how my day is going) at a separate blog - here.  I've had quite a few messages from people who are interested to find out more, and those hoping to do a babyled approach with their own kids.It isn't for everyone, but definitely worth a look!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Kimono Baby

 Doesn't Ollie make a cute kimono baby? He isn't very Japanese though - having David and I as parents! Ollie was given the kimono by a friend after she went to Japan last year.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

a day in the life of ollie...

Morning nap....

 Wake up! 
Foodtime, yay!

Chilling in the shade while mum hangs out her fourth load of washing!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

we have a meat-a-saurus in our midst

We're still moseying along with our baby led solids journey. It has been going fantastically. We are having a ball! Who said kids shouldn't play with their food?! We're learning about food and textures, and not worrying about swallowing. It is amazing how far he has come already! I gave him a banana a few days ago and he struggled to hold on to it, finding it too soft and slippery. Today I gave him a peeled banana half and he easily picked it up and put it in his mouth! He is learning how much pressure to apply to foods, and while he still loves to smoosh things, he is bringing everything to his mouth like a pro. Same applies to pear - too slippery a few days ago, straight into his mouth today.

I've been reading the original "Baby Led Weaning" book by Gill Rapley which the NZ study was founded on. Gill's approach is quite different, and focuses on including baby in all meals and let them choose what they want to eat, meaning all meals need to be baby friendly. So with that in mind, we've altered Ollie's bedtime routine (and our dinner time!) to include him.

Dinner last night was our usual staple of stir fry, it was Ollie's first go at meat (thin strips of beef). He absolutely loved it! It barely came out of his mouth - in fact it hung there while he picked up his veges! Our cheeky little boy is indeed a carnivore (at the least an omnivore).

I'm also trying to interact with him less while he eats, and let him at his food. This unfortunately means less photos. Tonight we had steak and steamed veges and I would have LOVED to get a video of Ollie attacking (!) his steak! He really got into it, chewing it and sucking all the juices out and even ripped it into two.

I have to think a bit harder about what I'm going to have for lunch in order to make it baby friendly, but that can only be a good thing - as it means we'll always be eating fresh healthy food. Hopefully that will help to kick start my (much needed) weight loss.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

i must really love my baby...

Feeling shell shocked and really upset after the Christchurch earthquake. Have found myself in tears many times. We've been so lucky and all our friends are safe and well. There has been so much loss, and I can't even express how it has made me feel. I am very thankful for my wonderful family, but also terrified of what could have happened if it were us.

Today I made pate. From real chicken livers. It was the most disgusting thing in the world. Next time, David is making it. (It still makes me retch thinking about it). The pate is for Ollie, as an iron rich food in his baby led solids journey. As Scone said to me this evening, I must really really love Ollie to make it. The recipe made heaps, so I think I'll have to add some salt and pepper so David will eat some. I also made Ollie hummus. Going to really try and widen the food I give him this week as I've gotten a bit lazy 'cause he loves toast so much. Despite the love of toast, he doesn't actually ingest all that much yet! He isn't supposed to, but it is weird considering we spend a fair bit of time "eating".

Last night we went to my step-sisters for a BBQ. It was great to finally meet our newest niece! She is absolutely gorgeous! She was born premature, and is now nine weeks old (four weeks adjusted). She is doing so well!

 Ollie got to try out his cousin's baby automatic swing, he was rather impressed and even went to sleep in it (eventually!!). I can definitely see the appeal of those swings - it kept him really happy when he was mega overtired. Definitely not a necessity, but great for subsequent babies so you can deal to the older kids!

Ollie is six months old next week! I might have to do some kind of "the last six months post" like our buddies Ree & Alex. (Ain't she a cutie!?)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

a toast to toast

tasty toast

We had a great time today with toast! Being the weekend, David was home and Ollie really enjoyed him being there at food time. Ollie was so enthusiastic! Lots of highchair banging and bouncing! He loved his toast, and even after gagging twice (resulting in vomit!) he was quite happy to pick it up and chew again! I love that we are teaching him how to chew before he swallows! It was amazing, he got the food out, and then just carried on eating! Go the gag reflex!We also had avocado and purple kumara - tasty!

More food pics and rambling here

I hate that the weekend is already over - it just isn't long enough! It wasn't long enough when I was working Monday-Friday and it definitely isn't long enough now that Ollie and I are home without David Monday-Friday. That said, I am very thankful of the awesome weather we've been having!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

island bay festival

We recently checked out the fair at the Island Bay Festival. It was a super hot day, so gelato in hand, we found a spot under the trees and chilled out, listening to live music, and people watching! Scone came along with us (and thoughtfully brought Juicies! Yum!) and had compulsory Ollie cuddles (and nappy change!)

We did see a family with a Manduca baby carrier, I've been wanting one of these for a while, but they are rather pricey! I've used a Moby wrap with Ollie since he was a few weeks old and we both loved it! But he is now getting a bit heavy and his position tends to move down by the end of a walk.

Today we went to the Petone fair (which was AWESOME by the way - wish I actually had money to spend) so I took the opportunity to check out Organic Baby.... and bought a Manduca!! So so comfortable! I'm excited about getting out and about with it! It seems I've become a bit 'earth mama' with the baby led solids, babywearing... what next?! It must be homeopathy.........

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Food is fun, til you're one

So I introduced Ollie to solids today, in the form of steamed orange kumara! Also a wee bit of avocado. It was so much fun - he really enjoyed squashing his kumara sticks,  I'm not sure that he actually ate anything - but that is to be expected in the early days with baby led. If he did, I'm sure I'll see it in his nappy tomorrow *blerk*.  I'll try to make the kumara a bit firmer tomorrow - it was far too easy for Ollie to squish. Think we'll also try some toast......

I'm planning to do a dailyish update on how things go but won't post it on the main page. So if you care.... I've created another page here!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Whole foods?

this ain't food
We are preparing to introduce Ollie to food that isn't mama-milk. Depsite the recent "study" that suggests food should be started at four months, we're going with a more baby led approach and waiting til six months (ish). Part of me is still in denial that that he has grown so all feels like yesterday! Ollie has been very interested in food for several weeks now and often tries to steal our food. I've tried out the highchair and Ollie is quite happy in there, but not so keen on the lack of food! 

I've been along to the Plunket "food talk" and while the Karitane nurse was very nice, I really didn't get that much out of it.  I'd read a wee bit about 'Baby Led Weaning' and thanks to my awesome cousin, found out about a study being run by one of the universities,which we've been accepted into. They provide resources and support which will help our baby led journey. In short, baby led means no purees, no spoon feeding, and Ollie eats what he wants. We plan to start this week.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Oliver's first football game!

On this gorgeous, hot, sunny, Wellington day we went to the football! Oliver's first Phoenix game, and the last home game of the season! Oliver was his usual happy self - he really loved the crowd (and the big screen that we didn't realise he was watching behind us..)  It was rather noisy the whole game, but it was definitely the loudest at the very end when Vukovic (our keeper) scored! (It WAS from a penalty which the Fever LOVED due his near score a few weeks ago aganist Perth! They were riling him up all game chanting "Shoooot" everytime he took a goal kick). Hmmm only post two and I'm already talking about football! Whoops. Anyway... the crowd is screaming and jumping up and down, I look down at Oliver and he is fast asleep! I wasn't surprised that he could sleep through the noise, I mean he did sleep through the band at my cousin's wedding...  but to miss the final goal?!

While I was browsing news sites for an appropriate picture of the football to steal borrow (until I remembered I wasn't blogging about football) I discovered Frank Whitten (aka Grandpa/Ted on Outrageous... the "Southern Man" on the Speights ads) has died from cancer. Awww! <3

Sunday, February 6, 2011

new role.... new blog....

I am going to give this blogging thing another go! Less about cupcakes and football.. more about our family life!

In the last few months since Ollie was born, life has completely changed in ways we never imagined. Gone are the sleep ins and the long, long days working in an office! I see this blog as a way to document some of our daily adventures, and no doubt dramas. (I am also really hoping I can use this blog to justify spending lots of money on a really fancy camera.) Hopefully my blogging spirit will survive and there will be semi-regular posts. It will depend on whether I can come up with topics that are blogworthy. I am assuming our family and friends don't want to see or hear about Ollie's spectacular poop. That said, there will be lots and lots of Ollie info as he is definitely the most exciting thing in our lives.

So here we are!