Friday, March 18, 2011

Three weeks into blis...

Chickpea patties were on the menu this week. I was starting to think Ollie had an aversion to pattie shaped foods as he was just ignoring them (including chickpea patties last time we had them) but last night he really got into them! It would appear a fair bit was consumed!

We are now three weeks into our baby led introduction to solids journey! I've been amazed nearly every day about how far Ollie has come! He actually eats now! Chews and swallows! Though sometimes his nappies show that he could chew a little more....  but we are definitely seeing evidence of food consumption!

I do still need to occasionally remind myself that it is not about the volume of food consumed, but about the experience! I am so glad that we chose the babyled route (thanks darling cousin for encouraging us in the first place!) and it is most definitely the right way for us. We are opening Ollie up to a range of tastes and textures, and I try hard to avoid passing on my food aversions! (Liver pate. Looks/smells like catfood. Ew! Ollie LOVES it!)

Ollie is so excited to get into his highchair, and waits expectantly for food to appear on his tray! No turned face, or pursed lips when a spoon approaches, just fun every day!

I purchased the baby led weaning recipe book, and so glad I did. They have some great recipes, and a good summary of how to begin baby led weaning and what food is appropriate. It was pretty daunting when we first started, and I stuck to true "finger" foods (in finger shape!). Now, we are a bit more adventurous with steak, patties, and casseroles.

Even the rats are loving our babyled adventure - they get the leftovers! Even our lovely old flat-footed man rats come running to the cage door, when Ollie and I appear with "lunch".

The other upside is I'm definitely thinking more about what David and I eat, because if Ollie can't have it - we probably shouldn't either! Let's hope we become healthier family because of it! (especially after David's recent scare.. more on that later!) I am also loving the sitting down to eat dinner as a family. I'm sure it is good for David and I - I actually get a chance to ask "How was your day, dear?". Eating earlier is proving to be a bonus too.

I've definitely appreciated the resources and support from the university study, really good guidelines to get me going. For example, include an "easy" food, an iron-rich food, and an energy-rich food with every meal.

For those wanting to know more, I keep a record of each days food and a few comments (depending on how my day is going) at a separate blog - here.  I've had quite a few messages from people who are interested to find out more, and those hoping to do a babyled approach with their own kids.It isn't for everyone, but definitely worth a look!

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