this ain't food |
We are preparing to introduce Ollie to food that isn't mama-milk. Depsite the recent "study" that suggests food should be started at four months, we're going with a more baby led approach and waiting til six months (ish). Part of me is still in denial that that he has grown so much....it all feels like yesterday! Ollie has been very interested in food for several weeks now and often tries to steal our food. I've tried out the highchair and Ollie is quite happy in there, but not so keen on the lack of food!
I've been along to the Plunket "food talk" and while the Karitane nurse was very nice, I really didn't get that much out of it. I'd read a wee bit about 'Baby Led Weaning' and thanks to my awesome cousin, found out about a study being run by one of the universities,which we've been accepted into. They provide resources and support which will help our baby led journey. In short, baby led means no purees, no spoon feeding, and Ollie eats what he wants. We plan to start this week.
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