Sunday, February 13, 2011

Oliver's first football game!

On this gorgeous, hot, sunny, Wellington day we went to the football! Oliver's first Phoenix game, and the last home game of the season! Oliver was his usual happy self - he really loved the crowd (and the big screen that we didn't realise he was watching behind us..)  It was rather noisy the whole game, but it was definitely the loudest at the very end when Vukovic (our keeper) scored! (It WAS from a penalty which the Fever LOVED due his near score a few weeks ago aganist Perth! They were riling him up all game chanting "Shoooot" everytime he took a goal kick). Hmmm only post two and I'm already talking about football! Whoops. Anyway... the crowd is screaming and jumping up and down, I look down at Oliver and he is fast asleep! I wasn't surprised that he could sleep through the noise, I mean he did sleep through the band at my cousin's wedding...  but to miss the final goal?!

While I was browsing news sites for an appropriate picture of the football to steal borrow (until I remembered I wasn't blogging about football) I discovered Frank Whitten (aka Grandpa/Ted on Outrageous... the "Southern Man" on the Speights ads) has died from cancer. Awww! <3

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